The LuxOR® Revalia™ Ophthalmic Microscope is designed for superior visualization2,3 and usability for all ophthalmic procedures.
Designed and Built in the U.S.A.

See your patients in a new light
The upgraded LuxOR® Revalia™ Ophthalmic Microscope combines innovation
and integration with exceptional ease of use to deliver superior visualization2,3 for all your ophthalmic procedures.

Advanced: Experience unprecedented red reflex stability
ILLUMIN-i® technology transforms the way light is delivered into the eye.
On traditional ophthalmic microscopes, the objective lens is positioned below the light source, so light beams focus down to a small point. With Alcon’s proprietary ILLUMIN-i® technology, the objective lens is positioned above the light source, so light beams remain nearly collimated.

Zeiss Lumera†

LuxOR® RevaliaTM
This innovative design provides:
An expanded illumination field with a 6x-larger, highly stable red reflex zone1,2
Greater red reflex stability during patient eye movement4
Crisp visualization during every intraoperative phase
Longer safe exposure time, compared to Zeiss Lumera†, to help minimize the risk of phototoxicity during cataract surgery
The larger red reflex zone is less susceptible to certain surgical variables, such as patient eye movement, sub-incisional cortex removal, and other intraoperative maneuvers.
* As with all ophthalmic microscopes, exposure during aphakia should be limited to reduce the risk of damage. During aphakia, limit exposure to red reflex light to no more than 7 minutes.
* At 50% illumination; 41.2 minutes with LuxOR® Revalia™ LED, 1.1 minutes with Zeiss Lumera† Xenon
† Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The design of the ILLUMIN-i® system distributes light over a large area along the axis of the patient’s visual field, providing a more stable and brilliant red reflex.

Enhanced: See more and adjust less with a greater depth of field1,3
With traditional microscopes, surgeons may have to refocus multiple times throughout the procedure, as various planes of the eye may require attention. With Alcon’s ILLUMIN-i® technology, we have increased the focal length between the lens and the patient’s eye, resulting in:
Crisp visualization of multiple planes of the eye at once
Excellent detail recognition and contrast in every intraoperative phase
Fewer focus adjustments for more efficient procedures

Personalized illumination: Let there be light!
Customized LED Illumination:
Offers enhanced optical clarity for complete views throughout the procedure
Provides longer life and reliability so you can depend on uniform illumination*
Customized presets with instant illumination adjustments for when you need it most
Customize your personal blend of coaxial and oblique light for the setting that works best for YOU
Longer safe exposure time with LuxOR® Revalia™, compared to Zeiss Lumera†, helps physicians minimize risk of phototoxicity‡
* Compared to halogen illumination.
† Trademarks are the property of their respective owners
‡ At 50% illumination; 41.2 minutes with LuxOR® RevaliaTM LED, 1.1 minutes with ZEISS LUMERA† Xenon. The maximum safe exposure at maximum level of illumination is 32 minutes.

Multiple LuxOR® Revalia™ LED color options are available for you to set your preferred view

Independently adjust your blend of coaxial and oblique light for your optimal image.
LuxOR® Revalia™ features the following unique technologies that are designed to optimize both anterior and posterior segment procedures.
Anterior Segment Procedures
Expand visibility with a 6x-larger red reflex zone with greater stability than other microscope systems4
A large depth of focus allows you to see more planes of the eye at once
Experience seamless integration with the ARGOS® Biometer with Image Guidance, which provides digital markers and image-guided overlays throughout your procedure
Monitor CENTURION® Vision System surgical status on live video overlays via the rear control panel and external display
Compared to Zeiss Lumera*, longer safe exposure time for reduced risk of phototoxicity† during cataract surgery4
Longer life and customizable settings with LED illumination4

Posterior Segment Procedures
A large depth of focus allows you to see more planes of the eye at once
High magnification binocular options allow for better visualization during macular procedures
Q-VUE® Assistant allows for a dedicated 3D stereo assistant view with independent fine focus
Utilize proprietary AMP technology to shift the beam splitter out of your optical path and brighten the image for the surgeon and tech
Support your visualization of the retina full functionality of the OCULUS BIOM*, wirelessly operated by the LuxOR® Microscope foot controller
The LuxOR® screen now dims to allow for a darker vitreoretinal surgical environment

A large depth of focus allows you to see a greater surgical plane at higher magnification for crisp, confident visualization during MIGS placement
Alcon’s optics with ILLUMIN-i® technology lets you see tissue structures and anatomical changes in great detail
Longer life and customizable settings with LED illumination
* Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
† At 50% illumination; 41.2 minutes with LuxOR® Revalia™ LED, 1.1 minutes with ZEISS LUMERA* Xenon. The maximum safe exposure at maximum level of illumination is 32 minutes.

The OCULUS BIOM* can be wirelessly integrated into the LuxOR® Microscope foot controller for convenience and efficiency.
OCULUS BIOM* is designed to provide excellent visualization of the retina, wirelessly operated by the LuxOR® microscope foot controller.
* Trademarks are the property of their respective owners

Exclusive AMP technology provides more light to the surgeon during vitreoretinal procedures.
The flip of a switch shifts the beam splitter plate out of your optical path
More light from the patient’s eye is transmitted through the LuxOR® Microscope optics for exceptional visualization of posterior segment anatomical features

The ILLUMIN-i® advantage: A safe way to deliver light
You take patient safety seriously; so do we.
The way light is delivered into the eye matters. The microscope light source – like any bright light source – may present a potential hazard to the patient’s eye both in the form of immediately visible thermal damage to the retina, as well as phototoxic chemical reactions. Several papers discussing the problem of phototoxicity in ophthalmic surgery have been published which reveal five aspects of particular concern5-7:
Illumination characteristics (spectral composition)
Illumination intensity
Focus of the light source
Exposure time to light
Angle of illumination
Only LuxOR® Revalia™ with ILLUMIN-i technology delivers light in a nearly collimated format, allowing you to experience a spectacular red reflex while minimizing the negative aspects of intense light on the retina.
LuxOR® Revalia™ enables longer safe exposure time for cataract cases than Zeiss Lumera.†

Zeiss Lumera† Maximum radiation exposure times with surrounding field illumination in minutes

* At 50% illumination; 41.2 minutes with LuxOR® Revalia™ LED, 1.1 minutes with Zeiss Lumera† Xenon.
† Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Longer safe exposure time with LuxOR® Revalia™, compared to Zeiss Lumera†, helps physicians minimize risk of phototoxicity during cataract surgery.*4,8

The LuxOR® Revalia™ maximum safe exposure time is 37x longer than Zeiss Lumera†*
* At 50% illumination; 41.2 minutes with LuxOR® Revalia™ LED, 1.1 minutes with Zeiss Lumera† Xenon.
† Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Integrated: Image Guidance, Aberrometry, Diagnostics and more all at your fingertips
Your collaborative solution in every phase of the cataract procedure.

Entry Point
The ARGOS® Biometer with Image Guidance is your entry point to high-resolution image guidance and a smarter, connected practice
ARGOS® captures pre-op biometric measurements and images, allowing you to share precise planning data with LuxOR® Revalia™ for use during surgery

Execute the Plan
Capture incision and FLACS information for later use with your LuxOR® Microscope

Real-Time Tracking
Paired with the ARGOS® biometer, the LuxOR® Revalia™ provides markerless toric IOL alignment and real-time image guidance throughout your procedure

Digitally Assisted Visualization
Go beyond the limits of an analog microscope by digitally enhancing your surgical view
Further increase magnification, depth of field and depth resolution9
Improve teaching capabilities and enjoy stunning real-time video capture of your surgical procedures10

Complete Control
Integrate LuxOR® with your CENTURION® Vision System, the industry-leading phaco platform11
Display your surgical parameter overlays for robust video recordings

Final Confirmation
Get real-time data verification and guidance for your lens power, sphere, cylinder and axis choices
The ORA SYSTEM® technology interfaces with your LuxOR® Microscope via the provided dovetail
Let’s get digital.
Take the advanced view of LuxOR® Revalia™ to a new dimension.
LuxOR® Revalia™ can be paired with the NGENUITY® 3D Visualization System for a digitally enhanced surgical view. Replace your oculars with a powerful 3D HDR surgical camera to bring views of anatomical structures and tissue layers to life. Experience an unparalleled, three-dimensional view that you and your staff will appreciate.

Digital image enhancement
Experience the difference of digital with an increase in magnification, depth of field and image resolution for crisp detail.12

Central digital hub
Connect multiple technologies with DATAFUSION to see your surgical parameters and critical patient information without ever taking your eyes from the surgical field.

Powers collaboration and teaching
NGENUITY® accelerates knowledge transfer through a shared view, improving the collective learning experience in the OR while immersing the whole surgical team in a comprehensive view of the procedure, allowing them to anticipate
your next steps.10

Freedom from oculars
The benefit of heads-up surgery improves ergonomics, while digitally assisted visualization with NGENUITY® takes your
experience to the next level.8

Real-time video capture
Share your spectacular surgical cases outside the OR with impressive 3D recordings that will give audiences a true representation of your experience.
Experience the difference of Digital
Improve your analog view with Digital Detection, allowing you to see depth and details beyond what any analog scope can provide12
Facilitates operation using lower light levels8
Redefines how you capture and display surgical information with DATAFUSION, connecting multiple technologies into your central digital hub
ARGOS® with Alcon Image Guidance
Improves posture and may reduce fatigue8

It's time to learn more about the fastest growing Ophthalmic Microscope in the U.S.13*
Designed and Built in the U.S.A.
*Data current as of 2021.

Unparalleled view for unprecedented value
The LuxOR® Revalia™ Ophthalmic Microscope has been updated for optimal workflow, productivity, and ease of use.

Alcon Experience Academy
A non-promotional training and education resource for eye care professionals.
*As with all ophthalmic microscopes, exposure during aphakia should be limited to reduce the risk of damage. During aphakia, limit exposure to red reflex light to no more than 7 minutes.
CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of, a physician.,As part of a properly maintained surgical environment, it is recommended that a backup IOL injector be made available in the event the AutoSert® IOL Injector Handpiece does not perform as expected. INDICATION: The CENTURION® Vision System is indicated for emulsification, separation, irrigation, and aspiration of cataracts, residual cortical material and lens epithelial cells, vitreous aspiration and cutting associated with anterior vitrectomy, bipolar coagulation, and intraocular lens injection. The AutoSert® IOL Injector Handpiece is intended to deliver qualified AcrySof® intraocular lenses into the eye following cataract removal. The AutoSert® IOL Injector Handpiece achieves the functionality of injection of intraocular lenses. The AutoSert® IOL Injector Handpiece is indicated for use with the AcrySof® lenses SN6OWF, SN6AD1, SN6AT3 through SN6AT9, as well as approved AcrySof® lenses that are specifically indicated for use with this inserter, as indicated in the approved labeling of those lenses. WARNINGS: Appropriate use of CENTURION® Vision System parameters and accessories is important for successful procedures. Use of low vacuum limits, low flow rates, low bottle heights, high power settings, extended power usage, power usage during occlusion conditions (beeping tones), failure to sufficiently aspirate viscoelastic prior to using power, excessively tight incisions, and combinations of the above actions may result in significant temperature increases at incision site and inside the eye, and lead to severe thermal eye tissue damage. Good clinical practice dictates the testing for adequate irrigation and aspiration flow prior to entering the eye. Ensure that tubings are not occluded or pinched during any phase of operation. The consumables used in conjunction with ALCON® instrument products constitute a complete surgical system. Use of consumables and handpieces other than those manufactured by Alcon may affect system performance and create potential hazards. AES/COMPLICATIONS: Inadvertent actuation of Prime or Tune while a handpiece is in the eye can create a hazardous condition that may result in patient injury. During any ultrasonic procedure, metal particles may result from inadvertent touching of the ultrasonic tip with a second instrument. Another potential source of metal particles resulting from any ultrasonic handpiece may be the result of ultrasonic energy causing micro abrasion of the ultrasonic tip. ATTENTION: Refer to the Directions for Use for the accessories/consumables and Operator’s Manual for a complete listing of indications, warnings, cautions and notes.
CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by, or on the order of, a physician. INDICATION: The NGENUITY® 3D Visualization System consists of a 3D stereoscopic, high-definition digital video camera and workstation to provide magnified stereoscopic images of objects during micro-surgery. It acts as an adjunct to the surgical microscope during surgery displaying real-time images or images from recordings. WARNINGS: The system is not suitable for use in the presence of flammable anesthetics mixture with air or oxygen. There are no known contraindications for use of this device. PRECAUTIONS: Do not touch any system component and the patient at the same time during a procedure to prevent electric shock. When operating in 3D, to ensure optimal image quality, use only approved passive-polarized glasses. Use of polarized prescription glasses will cause the 3D effect to be distorted. In case of emergency, keep the microscope oculars and mounting accessories in the cart top drawer. If there are any concerns regarding the continued safe use of the NGENUITY® 3D Visualization System, consider returning to using the microscope oculars. ATTENTION: Refer to the User Manual for a complete list of appropriate uses, warnings and precautions.
*As with all ophthalmic microscopes, exposure during aphakia should be limited to reduce the risk of damage. During aphakia, limit exposure to red reflex light to no more than 7 minutes.
1. Alcon Data on File, 2014.
2. Cionni RJ, Pei R, Dimalanta R, et al. Evaluating red reflex and surgeon preference between nearly-collimated and focused beam microscope illumination systems. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2015;4(4):7.
3. Schwiegerling J, Dimalanta R. Depth of focus measurements of ophthalmic surgical microscopes. Poster presented at: The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; May 1-5, 2016; Seattle, WA.
4. Alcon Data on File, 2019.
5. Charles, S. Illumination and Phototoxicity Issues in Vitreoretinal Surgery. Retina. 2008;28(1):1-4.
6. Yonekawa Y, et al. Endoilluminator phototoxic maculopathy associated with combined ICG-assisted epiretinal membrane and internal limiting membrane peeling. Clin Ophthalmol. 2014;8:2501-2506.
7. Kleinmann G, et al. Microscope-induced Retinal Phototoxicity in Cataract Surgery of Short Duration. Ophthalmology. 2001;109(2):334-338.
8. Eckardt C, Paulo EB. Heads-up surgery for vitreoretinal procedures: an experimental and clinical study. Retina. 2016;36(1):137-147.
9. Alcon Data on File, 2019.
10. Shoshany TN, et al. The user experience on a 3-dimensional heads-up display for vitreoretinal surgery across all members of the health care team: A survey of medical students, residents, fellows, attending surgeons, nurses, and anesthesiologists. Journal of VitreoRetinal Diseases. 2020;4(6):459-466.
11. Market Scope Q3 2021 US Cataract Quarterly Update
12. LuxOR® Revalia™ (LX3 LED) Ophthalmic Microscope Operator’s Manual.
13. US Integration Brand Health Tracker report 1Q21, 2021.