LEGION® System
Your Entry to the Alcon Phaco Performance Advantage
Step up your practice with your entry to the Alcon phaco performance advantage.
LEGION® System Your Entry to the Alcon Phaco Performance Advantage
Step up your practice with your entry to the Alcon phaco performance advantage.
Increased Stability During Phacoemulsification
LEGION® System offers better surge protection than INFINITI® at various vacuum limits, reducing the risk of PCR and capsule related problems.1-6
Surge Protection with Gravity Fluidics Systems7
Surge Volume After Occlusion Break8
(IOP 55 mmHg; Vac setting 550 mmHg; Asp 40 cc/min; 55 mmHg = 75 cm H20)
· 50% faster recovery from surge
· 30% less surge
Enhanced Efficiency
Intuitive User Interface
LEGION® System’s intuitive graphic user interface enables quick adjustment and enhanced customisation of surgical parameters and settings.12
Convenient Design and Running Cost
LEGION® System can be used as a table-top unit or mounted on its optional cart and it allows for optimisation of total cost management.12