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Your Procedure. Our Priority.


Your Procedure. Our Priority.



All In One, Ready-To-Use Pack


Using Alcon Custom-Pak™ for each procedure maximises surgical efficiency and ensures that surgeons receive their preferred products.1,2

Optimise Your Product Management With a Single Supplier


As your single contact, Alcon will partner with you to help optimise your resources and provide guidance for your surgical procedures. 

Icon showing a dark blue laptop with cursor on the screen. Icon showing two dark blue arrows pointing clockwise around three gears of various sizes. Icon of a dark blue clock with circular arrow around it on a pale blue background. Dark blue dollar sign inside a circle icon.

Alcon is The Global Leader in Ophthalmological Surgical Packs


Alcon represents nearly 50% of the revenue share of all leading surgical procedure pack suppliers worldwide.3

Pie chart showing global revenue share from customised surgical packs. 51% of the pie chart is blue, and text in the middle of the chart reads, “Alcon >50% revenue share”. The remaining 49% of the pie chart is divided into multiple grey sections to indicate competitors, all labelled as “others”.

Alcon Custom-Pak™ can be customised to your preferences



You can choose from:


  • More than 2000 ophthalmic procedure items delivered by 151 suppliers4
  • All of the item categories needed for ophthalmological procedures


Centurion FMS cartridge on a pale blue circle background.
Centurion FMS cartridge on a pale blue circle background.


Active Fluidics™

INTREPID Balanced Tip on a pale blue circle background.
INTREPID Balanced Tip on a pale blue circle background.



INTREPID Tip with Sleeve on a pale blue circle background.
INTREPID Tip with Sleeve on a pale blue circle background.



Disposable surgical scalpel on a pale blue circle background.
Disposable surgical scalpel on a pale blue circle background.



INTREPID Transformer I/A Handpieces on a pale blue circle background.
INTREPID Transformer I/A Handpieces on a pale blue circle background.

Transformer I/A

Cystitome, cannula and surgical needle on a pale blue circle background.
Cystitome, cannula and surgical needle on a pale blue circle background.

Cystitomes / 
Cannulas / Needles

Plastic eye shield on a pale blue circle background.
Plastic eye shield on a pale blue circle background.


Folded surgical drapes on a pale blue circle background.
Folded surgical drapes on a pale blue circle background.


In addition to personalising the items, your Custom-Pak™ can be assembled with customised sequencing, meaning that supplies are packed in the order you specify to enhance your efficiency in the OR.


Custom-Pak™ Adoption Provides Time and Cost Savings1,2,5*

Dark blue icon showing a scalpel approaching an eye on a pale blue background.
Dark blue icon showing a scalpel approaching an eye on a pale blue background.

Cataract Surgery Savings


140 Hours


266 Cataract


Dark blue eye icon on a pale blue background.
Dark blue eye icon on a pale blue background.

Vit-Ret Surgery


93 Hours


81 Vit-Ret


Icon of a dark blue clock with circular arrow around it on a pale blue background.
Icon of a dark blue clock with circular arrow around it on a pale blue background.

Material Management


385 Hours



Dark blue dollar sign inside a circle icon on a pale blue background.
Dark blue dollar sign inside a circle icon on a pale blue background.



16 Hours



Sourcing all surgical supplies from Custom-Pak™ in all cataract surgeries saves over5*:

Dark blue hospital building icon.
Dark blue hospital building icon.

Hospital Setting


403 Hours Annually
$213,025 USD

Dark blue hospital building icon representing an ambulatory surgery center.
Dark blue hospital building icon representing an ambulatory surgery center.

ASC Setting


207 Hours Annually

$90,294 USD

*Results reflect incremental savings from increasing Custom-Pak™ usage from a representative hospital (49% of 1,062 annual cataract surgeries; 53% of 675 vit-ret surgeries) and a representative ASC (69% of 1,753 annual cataract surgeries; 56% of 945 vit-ret surgeries).

Minimal Packaging Provides a Sustainable Solution


Alcon Custom-Pak™ delivers products with minimal packaging and less waste. Alcon is committed to initiatives that ensure long-term sustainability; choosing Custom-Pak™ as the consumables solution for your OR ensures continuous sustainability improvements.6


Alcon grows responsibly and sustainably by improving our environmental footprint continuously across the entire product life cycle. For more details, please read the Alcon 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report.

Two images divided by blue text that reads “VS” to show a comparison. The first image shows a surgical cart filled with discarded packaging from standalone products. The second image shows a surgical cart with much less packaging after Custom-Pak® has been used.
Two images divided by blue text that reads “VS” to show a comparison. The first image shows a surgical cart filled with discarded packaging from standalone products. The second image shows a surgical cart with much less packaging after Custom-Pak® has been used.

Dedicated Sales and Customer Service Team


Alcon’s sales and technical representatives are professional, knowledgeable and proactive. Our team members are accessible and quick to address customer queries.7

White text that reads “Sales reps, they are essential – they are like an extension of the OR team.” The quote is from an Alcon customer in France. The text appears on a dark blue curved rectangle background. A man in a suit icon sits on the right of the curved rectangle background.
White text that reads “Sales reps, they are essential – they are like an extension of the OR team.” The quote is from an Alcon customer in France. The text appears on a dark blue curved rectangle background. A man in a suit icon sits on the right of the curved rectangle background.
White text that reads “Having a professional, who is an expert in this field and who can help us in sorting out the problem, is fundamental.” The quote is from an Alcon customer in Italy. The text appears on a dark blue curved rectangle background. A woman in a suit icon sits on the right of the curved rectangle background.
White text that reads “Having a professional, who is an expert in this field and who can help us in sorting out the problem, is fundamental.” The quote is from an Alcon customer in Italy. The text appears on a dark blue curved rectangle background. A woman in a suit icon sits on the right of the curved rectangle background.

Change the way you manage the consumables in your OR. Contact your Alcon representative to create your own Custom-Pak™ and improve your OR efficiency.

Instructions for Use (IFU)


Please refer to relevant product direction for use for list of indications, contraindications and warnings.

Alcon Experience Academy


For relevant training content from industry thought leaders

1. Davis JS, et al. A Self-Reporting Approach to Healthcare Time and Motion Studies for Budget IMPACT Models in Routine Cataract Surgery. ISPOR 2020.
2. Hsiao C, et al. Hospital Efficiency Driven By Custom Surgical Packs in Cataract and Vitreoretinal Surgery. ISPOR 2020.
3. Market Scope Report 2022. Single-Use Ophthalmic Surgical Products.
4. Alcon Data on File. SP21 Surgical Custom Pak Strategy. 
5. Ayres B, et al. Economic impact of custom surgical packs on efficient operating room preparation and materials management in cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. ASCRS 2021.
6. Alcon 2020 Corporate Responsibility Report: Alcon - Environmental Social Governance 
7. Alcon Custom-Pak™ Value Proposition. IMG Report March, 2021


Medical Devices manufactured by Alcon comply with all applicable laws and regulations. For indications, contraindications, warnings and serious incidents please refer to the relevant product’s direction for use or operator manuals.